Sausā metode

[..]It is highly likely that the government is going to build a new army, which will not deploy these older heavy weapons. Indeed, in an article published on 3 November in Belarus Segodnya, the main Belarusian government daily, hinted at exactly such vision by declaring, “The main aim for the period until 2020 is to construct a compact, mobile, well-trained and well-equipped army.” In plain words, an army with only a minimum of heavy weapons. [..]


vara bungas:  Gluži kā mēs. Kamēr BY armijā notiek reforma un pārapbruņošanās turklāt bez adekvāta finansējuma, BY ir apdraudējums tikai kā teritorija kuru izmanto RU armija un no kuras operē RU SO spēki.  Vēl vairākus gadus.

6 domas par “Sausā metode

  1. Tikmēr ASV Aizsardzības departaments ir izstrādājis 2019. gada budžeta pieprasījumu, kas ir par 20 miljardiem lielāks nekā šogad. Laikam mums svarīgākais, ka ievērojami palielinās Eiropas misijas izdevumus – no 4,7 uz 6,5 miljardiem $. Lielākais pieaugums bruņojuma krājumu izvietošanā (+1 miljards $) un infrastruktūrā (+0,5 miljardi $). Personālam, apmācībai un sabiedroto (tātad arī mūsu) spēju stiprināšanai tērēs tikai nedaudz vairāk kā šogad.
    Specifically, the request enhances deterrence by continuing to implement the increased ground force posture while increasing joint capabilities and activities; continues the build-up of Army equipment stockpiled in theater to increase responsiveness and improve force effectiveness; maintains and increases the rotational presence of joint forces in-theater to participate in
    exercises and training; increases the capacity and resiliency of U.S. Air Force strike operations by expanding airbase infrastructure; increases joint enablers to improve effectiveness of combat forces; and increases U.S. bilateral, and multilateral training and exercises to enhance
    preparedness of all forces and improve interoperability with NATO Allies.

    Click to access FY2019_Budget_Request_Overview_Book.pdf


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