
vara bungas: Mūsu igauņu korrespondents JLQNLJOX sagatavojis informāciju, kas ir atsevišķa ieraksta vērta. Te tā būs. Paldies autoram.

NB Vēršu uzmanību, ka EE pievienos robežsardzes floti aizsardzības spēkiem. Ko mēs gaidām?

” Lots of small snipets of information on the development of the defence capabilities of the Baltic states has been pouring out .

Recently there was an interview with the Lithuanian Commander in Chief, who laid out the plans for the future. The interview is neatly summarized in this facebook post with some additional commentary:
In summary, the Lithuanians are planning to procure support vehicles based on the Boxer to supplement the two battalions that are going to use the Vilkas/Boxer IFV. In addition, at least three more battalions will be equipped with IFV’s. The vehicles are yet to be selected, but they want a proven platform. A decision should be made in 2022. The Samogitian Brigades artillery battalion will be equipped with (wheeled) self-propelled howitzers. Again, a decision will be made in 2022. Also, new self-propelled and towed 120 mm mortars will be purchased. Medical support will receive a lot more attention and ROLE 1-3 level capabilities (including armored medevac) will be developed with the help of USA. The Juozas Vitkus Engineer Battalion will receive new equipment and river crossing capability will be developed after 2025. The procurement of MRL systems is being worked on with other Baltic states. New intellifence and combat drons are to be purchased. New battle management systems will be implemented in brigades and battalions. PzH 2000 battalion will start using a German BMS system.

Now for the Estonian perspective. A lot of this stuff is already known and public, but it was again neatly summarized in a public post. The first big news is that the Police and Border Guard fleet will merge with the Estonian Navy by 2023. The Navy will have more ships and personnel but also more tasks. This will also means that future development of the navy will have to take into account the needs of the newly merged fleet. In addition to new minehunters/minelayers, new patrol and pollution-control vessels are required in the near future. The navy has to formalized its requirements by 2025. In addition, the implementation of the naval mine and anti-ship missile project is under way and should be completed in the coming years. New naval radars are also needed. The air force will put both M28 aircraft in service this year, but the fate of the recently acquired pollution control aircraft of the Police and Border Guard is also hanging in the air at the moment (pun intended). They will also have to review their surveillance capabilities due to the development of new windfarms. This means that they will need more radars. There was also a unanimous suggestion by the parliaments defence commision to find funds for the procurement and development of medium range air-defence. They suggested increasing the defence budget and making changes to current state budget strategy and defence development plans. At the moment this is just a parliamentary suggestion, though a significant one. But going further, the Defence Forces are eyeing a possible contract for MRL systems as early as next year. K9 project is moving ahead as planned and 12 systems should be here already. Territorial Defence/Defence League will get a lot of new weapons as I explained earlier, but in addition to those individual weapons, the 90 mm anti-tank weapons (Pvpj 1110) will be replaced, probably by Javelins. During all this time, implementation of various modern battle management and communication systems is also taking place. So, that this the 5+ year perspective of the Estonian Defence Forces.”

30 domas par “Snipets

    • Vispār galvenais jau ir vēlmes. Naudas un tehnikas rietumu onkuļiem ir pietiekami. Atšķirībā no 1930-tajiem, retumu onkuļi savā starpā neplāno karot un atlikumi naudas un tehnikas ziņā ir pieejami. Toreiz bija smags deficīts jebkam, kas der karošanai. Es domāju visādas melnās piektdienas atlaides un tā tālāk ieroču tirgū mums būs arvien biežāk. Pat ja atmetam politiku, tad ieroču ražotāji visur grib ēst, AFG noieti būs ar kaut ko jāaizvieto.

    • ”- Could another option for “Samogitia” be, say, Patria’s armored conveyors, which are now being bought by Latvia and Finland? – You know, the spectrum is very wide, it includes Patria. The options could be even easier, as even the Patria costs a lot.” – leiši acīmredzot miljonu pa jaunu APC maksāt negrib

      • Nu uz neko ipaši lētāku kā patria nesmu redzējis ,varbūt Serbu jaunais Lazar 3 ir lētāks par videjo jauno apc ,bet nejau zem 1 miljona.

        • Protolab MiSu might be slightly cheaper. Though I doubt it is significantly cheaper. The initial quoted price for a basic Patria (base armor and no extras) was about half a million euros. MiSu was supposed to be similar. There really aren’t many ways to cut corners on such things.

        • jaunu mantu lētāk tiešām nedabūs (mūsu Patria jau tā ir lētuma kalngals)……vienīgā alternatīva ir atkal pirkt lietotu šrotu (vai arī prasīt ASV lai uzdāvina kaut kādus MRAPus vai vecus M113).

    • LT par 13% lielāks IKP uz galviņu + galviņu ievērojami vairāk – vēlmju saraksts drīkst būt garāks.

  1. ”90 mm anti-tank weapons (Pvpj 1110) will be replaced, probably by Javelins” – hmm, dot Kaitselīt cilvēkiem Javelin gan tāds interesants priekšlikums. Ļoti dārga un delikāta manta, ko uzticēt brīvdienu hobijistiem . Man drīzāk liekas viņu iedos kaut kādus vecākus TOW, būtu loģiskāk.

    • mašīnu pērkot arī ir prātīgi pirkt modeli pēc feislifta, lielākā daļa bērnu slimību izārstētas. Bet nav pontīgi.

    • Nepatīkami leišiem, bet arī saprotams. Tas tornis arī tomēr ir ”state of the art” aparāts : 30mm plus Spike raķetes plus jaunākais termovizors/nakts redzamība plus programmējama ”air burst” munīcija viss vienā tornī, reāla 21.gadsimta tehnika ar modernākajiem pričendāļiem…….mūsējiem Patria tikmēr ir vienkārši Browings no otrā pasaules kara laikiem bez nekā, uguns jaudas atšķirība tur ir nenormāla un tehnikās ķibeles tāpēc arī.

      • viss atkarīgs no tā, cik ilgi var gaidīt. bet to zin tikai putins.
        nesalīdzinam nesalīdzināmos (patria un boxer), to atstājam ekspertiem

      • Britu Ajax ar buksē pamatīgi, krieviem jaunie Kurganets un Bomerang arī……nu sarežģītas un kaprīzas tās jaunās IFV mašīnas, ja gribās lielāku uguns-jaudu ar to būs jāsarēķinās. Vienīgie kam īsti nav bijušas lielas ķibeles ir Zviedru CV90 (Norvēģi nesen pasūtīja pilnīgi svaigu CV9030 partiju), tie strādājot labi un sūdzību nav. Acīmredzot igauņi izvēle bija tālredzīga.

        • Krievi var atļauties buksēt, jo konservācijā desmiti k vecās paaudzes mašīnu. Paceļot 10% no tām būs vairāk kā eiropai kopā

        • Nesapratu saistību ar igauņu tālredzību… Igauņiem ir 35mm un ne pirmā svaiguma. Bushmaster III sāka izstrādāt 1989-jā. Platforma ir no 2000-šo sākuma (~2004).

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