Dienas grauds

[..] One can only observe with bemusement the growth in size, readiness and modernization of Russia’s armed forces when juxtaposed against recent news stories reporting a 20-percent decline in Russian defense spending from 2016 to 2017, described as the first notable cut since 1998. It is seemingly impossible for both trends to be real. Indeed, Russian defense spending is alive and well, with cuts limited to single digits. The announcement about its steep decline by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, or SIPRI, was erroneous. Changes in Russia’s handling of defense funding have led SIPRI and, before it, IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly to misreport the reduction. Now, for the second time in as many years, the miscalculation is proliferating across major media outlets.[..]

Michael Kofman


3 domas par “Dienas grauds

  1. Nu naivi tie kapitālisti brīžiem ir.. tīri cilvēcīgi saprotams, pieńemt vēlamo par esošo. Kremlis laiž “po ponjatijam”, a šie mēra pēc savas mērauklas =)).

    • Yep, zinātājiem, pie vajadzības, ir iespēja tēlot, ka nesaprot, pateicoties publikas, pieńemu, pat dałas politiku, naivumam.

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